Monday, August 28, 2006

3-WHOLE BAND#2: Single Shot Melody With the Whole Band, Shows What you Will Sound Like

Here is track 3, which is the most important track on the Heart-of-the-Blues#2 since it has the whole band playing the SingleShot melody. Try to pick out the guitar part and follow along in the printed music while it plays--but don't worry if you can't master it, because the next track "4-Slow Guitar" is going to make it easier by playing the guitar part by itself in slow motion.

Monday, August 21, 2006

4-SLOW GUITAR#2: Guitar Part Played Slowly here at 60 BPM So You Can Hear What You Should Play

Here is track 4 from the Heart-of-the-Blues#2, which is the guitar part by itself in slow motion at 60 beats-per-minute (BPM), so you can follow along with the printed music more easily, and so you can hear clearly just what you should be playing on the guitar. Follow along by printing the "0-MUSIC BOOKLET#2" above, while you listen, then try out playing it for yourself on your own instrument while listening to the next track, "5-SLOW JAM#2," which is a bass/drums-only jam mix also at 60 BPM.

Monday, August 14, 2006

5-SLOW JAM#2: Guitarless Rhythm Track at 60 BPM--Get Your Ax & Play the Guitar Part with the Band

Here is track 5 of the Heart-of-the-Blues#2, which is a guitarless, bass/drums/vibes-only "jam mix" rhythm track in slow motion at 60 BPM (always set your player to "repeat one track" before playing a jam mix track so you can play it over and over until you get your part right). This guitarless track lets you practice the guitar melody on your instrument while the rhythm section plays along in the background. Set this track to repeat while you add the guitar part with your instrument. Once you have mastered the melody in slow motion, go to Track 6 and listen to the guitar part at full speed.

Monday, August 07, 2006

6-GUITAR#2: Guitar Part Alone Played at a Full Speed of 90 BPM, This is How Your Part Should Sound

Here is track 6 from the Heart-of-the-Blues#2, which is the guitar part by itself at a full speed of 90 beats-per-minute (BPM), so you can hear what your guitar part will sound like when played fast. After listening, try out playing the guitar part yourself while listening to the next track, "7-JAM MIX#2," which is a bass/drums/vibes-only jam mix also at 90 BPM.

Friday, August 04, 2006

7-JAM MIX#2: Guitarless Rhythm Track at 90 BPM--Get Your Ax & Play the Guitar Part with the Band

Here is track 7 of the Heart-of-the-Blues#2, which is a guitarless, bass/drums/vibes-only "jam mix" rhythm track at a full speed of 90 BPM. This guitarless track lets you practice the guitar melody on your instrument while the rhythm section plays along in the background. Set this track to repeat while you add the guitar part with your instrument. Your guitar part plus our rhythm section should make you sound like the track: "3-WHOLE BAND#2"

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

8-ENTIRE SONG_2: Whole Band with Guitar Parts from All Six Volumes of the Heart-of-the-Blues

Here is track 8, which is what you will sound like after completing all six volumes of the Heart-of-the-Blues#2. The whole band is playing SingleShot including the melody and the leads for all five verses--six guitar parts that enable you to master the entire fretboard while playing over the same rhythm track.